Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Health and Fitness Articles ? Blog Archive ? Understanding the ...

What causes hypothyroidism is normally split into two areas?-problems in the thyroid gland and Problems in the brain, specifically the pituitary gland. Almost 95% of hypothyroidism is directly due to Problems in the gland itself and about 5% due to adjustments in the pituitary gland. A number of causes will include autoimmune disease, treatment for hyperthyroidism, radiation therapy, surgery and certain medicines. When the thyroid gland does not produce satisfactory hormones, metabolism and body processes will be slower.

The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped organ found at the anterior base of the neck, adjacent to the Adam?s apple. Hormones synthesized by the thyroid are important in the regulation of the functioning of all organs.

Issues related to the thyroid gland that move to annihilation of the thyroid cells, which causes hypothyroidism includes:

Hashimoto?s Illness

Hashimoto?s thyroiditis is an illness resulting from a break down in the immune system. The immunological system protects the body against diseases and other substances that is strange to the body. It produces antibodies to negate these invading organisms or bodies and recalls them to cause the same protection response when the body is assaulted again by these same organisms. Nonetheless in an autoimmune disorder called the Hashimotos illness, the immunity mechanism produces antibodies against its own body cells eg the thyroid gland. This leads to destruction of the gland and leads to loss of thyroid function. Insufficient manufacture of thyroid hormones causes decreased metabolism making the signs and signs of hypothyroidism. This autoimmune disease is what can cause hypothyroidism in most women and develops over 40 years old.

Hyperthyroidism treatments

Hyperthyroidism is a state where the thyroid gland overly produces hormones for the body. Treatment of hyperthyroidism includes surgical elimination of the gland which finally can cause hypothyroidism due to the absence of the gland to supply the required hormones in the body. Treatment of hypothyroidism may also include contact to radioactive iodine which results in reduced working of the thyroid gland and contributes to what causes hypothyroidism.

Congenital origin is what causes hypothyroidism in the newly born which accounts for 0.2% of its affair. Inborn hypothyroidism is due to rubella infection when pregnant and causes thyroid aplasia or altered hormone metabolism. However , inborn hypothyroidism can be noted as early as 48-72 hours after birth. Early detection can significantly save the life of a newborn.

Hypothyroidism can also be caused by de Quervain?s thyroiditis, which is caused by a bad flu type virus that enters and destroys parts of the thyroid gland.

What causes hypothyroidism in families is due to inheritance of autosomal recessive traits. Presence of this gene in both parents can end up in a young suffering the disease and can be passed on to their children.

Moreover, stress is also understood to be a major contributor to what causes hypothyroidism. Stress can be catalogued as environmental stress or homeostatic stress. Stress causes an interruption in bodily processes including that of the thyroid gland. Stress can produce hypothyroidism or reduced thyroid hormones thru changing the thyroid regulation, decreasing the conversion of T3 to T4, decreasing the protection therefore promoting autoimmune disorders e. G the Hashimotos thyroiditis.

What causes hypothyroidism is vast; so prevention and health promotion is more vital than treatment of the illness. By learning topical hypothyroidism information, people can live their lives healthily so as to avoid occurrence of it.

Have you wondered what causes hypothyroidism? Being a former underactive thyroid subject and having attempted most of the relief solutions availablewe have tried to teach and help other hypothyroidism sufferers at our thyroidism site with info on the way to manage symptoms to live a crucial ecstatic and active life while effectivelly controlling an underactive thyroid.

Tags: Health and Fitness, hypothyroidism information, hypothyroidism symptoms in men, the hypothyroidism solution for a healthier happier you, thyroidism, treatment for hypothyroidism, what causes hypothyroidism, what is hypothyroidism


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