Friday, March 30, 2012

Jeb Enck, on Troublesome Communication - ICS Workplace ...

?Bad communication is bad business, ? so says Jep Enck, whom I interviewed last week.? ?Communication is the life blood of any organization; it is how we react to our world, and the particular clients that our business caters to.?

You may know Jep through his Lakeside Retreat Center or his lively presentations on communication skills. (He?s been called a cross between a Harvard professor and a stand-up comic.)? You may also know of him as one of the ?experts? that responds to cases which we?ve published in Trends and in Communication Case Studies.

He works with a lot of types of workplaces ? veterinarians, schools, public agencies, hospitals. I asked him to tell me what he has found in all of his travels to be the most troublesome communication issues.? You probably won?t be surprised to hear him say, ?The first has to be when there are disagreements in the team or between customer and server.? Most people are not well prepared for conversations that are not fun.?

None of us are amune from discomfort around certain encounters.? If That?s the reason the AAHA published Communication Case Studies and we have developed these blogs.? If you agree, you will want to check out our blog entitled ?Difficult Conversations? (in our web? achives).

Jep went on to say that the? ?second big issue is the use of technology as a communication tool.?? I really hadn?t thought about that, so I asked him to say more.

He said, ?It is vital to communication to others about how they prefer to be communicated with.? When someone takes the time to learn your preferences and then honors them with their communication, you are well on your way to increasing your client, and friendship, base.?? His comment made me think of my bank that gives me the choice of receiving paper or online notices.? I like having that choice.? What choices might you give your colleagues or customers?? What do you think about emailing colleagues who are in the next room?

Comments or questions are welcome.


current time a thousand words my sisters keeper kirby sarah palin muhammad ali cbi

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