Sunday, March 18, 2012

Brain fitness exercises ? most of your mental ability | Focus on health

Like everything with aging, see the mental abilities such as maintaining shorts and long term memory, thinking, planning and problem solving is an ongoing decline if lie remained unused. The only thing that distinguishes us from animals is our ability to think and lose, when we start, we are headed for disaster. The people were troubled throughout the world with this problem and there is a very simple solution for this problem to be solved.

The principle

that relates to your physical health, mental health aussi. Use it or lose it. If we do not keep our bodies in shape, we tend to suffer physical problems. The same is the case with the brain. The health of the brain is thus a way to revitalize intellectual skills and abilities again before they slow down or become extinct. The following thesis of simple exercises you can keep your brain for years to come fruitful.

Sight ? Every day try and remember a person or an object in the years they had seen during the day. And then try to redraw that object / person and all the details you can remember-me. The quality of the drawing to detail is irrelevant. This exercise is your short-term memory. Try to draw the object or material Sami After fourteen days or 21 days. This exercise is your Langzeitged?chtnis.Geruch / Taste ? eating in a cafe or a restaurant, try and decipher the ingredients in your meal. Start with vegetables and then concentrate on the spices and herbs. Ask the waiter to get your perceptions and insights best?tigen.Memory ? Try and remember the names of the dishes on the menu of your favorite restaurant. If you have already done so, try the price. You can also try your friends and family names, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. by heart lernen.Hearing attempts to memorize the names of the caller before you identify it for themselves. Try to phone numbers and the test itself, after

every two weeks or so erinnern.Diese simple exercises Will Keep working your brain and always green, and you will not lose your brain functions with age.

This article has been

-authored by the site owner, see brain fitness exercises on the website.


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