Saturday, May 26, 2012

Yummy Mummy Flabby Tummy: How to Plan a Garden/House Party

This weekend we are celebrating Miss C turning 3 and Wee Z turning 5 next week by having a bit of a get-together at our house. We did the big party last year where all the kids from the nursery group were invited but this year we decided to just have the party at home.

Some people may say we are crazy. What if it is raining? Do we really want all those people inside the house? I'm taking a PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) approach here and saying it will not rain, it will be glorious and everyone will have a great time.

First thing on my list of planning was our guest list. Because the party is at home, we decided to invite close friends and family only. We have about 13 kids coming and probably double the adults. Inviting all the grandparents means they can keep the kids amused whilst we get food and drinks sorted for everyone.

Next on the list was food and drink. The party starts at 1:30 so I thought a light snack around 2:30 would be good. We'll have the usual party food essentials such as cocktail sausages, top hats and crisps and we'll do some hot food too, probably pizza and chips. I'm also making cake pops!

Finally we had to plan party games. We've decided to go with the classics: musical statues, pass the parcel and a balloon relay race. I can't wait to see the kids trying to run with a big balloon between their legs. We may even have one for the adults too.

The party?is scheduled to finish?at 3:30 but the beauty of having?a party at home is that we aren't restricted to times nor do we have to be out before another party comes in. The only drawback is all the cleaning up I'll have to do afterwards!

Fingers crossed for the sunshine!

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