Saturday, May 19, 2012

Spunk On A Stick's Tips: Spunky on Tour!

It?s been two years since I did a book tour, so this is really special. I am on tour for Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK! The Keys to Leadership & Goal-Setting. During April?s A to Z Challenge, I?d offered leadership and goal-setting tips from the book and everyone seemed to enjoy them.

This tour focuses more on the writing process and balancing it all when one is more than just an author. Chaos is the balance for me and I invite you to share my journey:

May 18 - My First Book
I discuss characterization with Misha Gericke

May 21 - Irene's Inspiring Book Reviews and Author Interviews
I discuss the beginning of an idea with Irene Roth.

May 22 - Launch Pad Publishing
I discuss the evolution of the typical writing day (for me anyway) with Faye Levow.

May 23 - Life as Leels
I warn writers to beware of the different publishing paths at Leila Brenner?s site.

May 24 - Tina M. Games
I talk about my speaking engagements and what I?m doing now with Tina Games.

May 25 - Communicate with Confidence
I discuss my next project - a publishing and promoting book - with Allie Casey

My focus the past few years has been my speaking engagements, as that is where I?ve been able to share what I?ve learned after almost ten years in the publishing industry and ten years with a motivational training program. I hope that you?ll follow along and learn from my triumphs and mistakes. Better to follow someone through the minefield than venture out alone!

Today, please join me at My First Book for tips on how to create believable characters.

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