Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Roleplaying Partners Wanted

I'm looking for a few partners so I can start up a roleplay. I prefer it to be only two players per roleplay. I could probably try more than two, but I don't like to.

I would like it if you used good grammar and spelling, and no text talk. Please write detailed posts. I like to visualize what's going on. I will try to use as much detail as possible. I understand short posts only if the characters are only talking. I don't typically like first person, either.

I don't mind chatting in OOC. I like making friends through roleplaying, too, not just the story. Please be polite. If we are roleplaying back and forth, please tell me when you are getting off. I will do the same.

I can play either gender. I really prefer romances. It might sound strange, but I like a lot of conflict between lovers. Like, they are poor and fight about money. I will try anything though. I already have some ideas in mind.

I am operating from a 3DS so my posts might be a little short at times and might take a long time to reply. I will try my best to write amazing posts for you though! I usually get on every day.

One last thing. If you don't like my post, tell me. I'm new to roleplaying and could use some pointers. I will rewrite a post. If you don't like a roleplay, we can start a new one or end it, but please tell me! Don't leave me hanging.

Please PM me. I prefer PM roleplays, but threads are okay. I'm looking forward to roleplaying with you!

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/5Rv9SQT4DOk/viewtopic.php

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